Having a congested child is tough on most parents - their kid is uncomfortable and crying and there isn't much to be done except wait for it all to clear up. However, there are some ways to speed that process up and many parents have tips on how to do it - from patting their child's back rhythmically, to having them sit next to a dehumidifier, to a variety of other solutions. However, the lifehack one mom suggested is going viral because it is especially... unique. The mother uses a sex toy on her child's back to break up the chest congestion.
She submitted a photo of the lifehack in action to Melons and Cuties, a Facebook page with lots of parental advice geared toward new moms. The pic shows an infant with a turquoise vibrator being held to it's back. The caption with it reads, "Use on baby's back while sitting in a steamy bathroom. Brilliant!!!" The post also points out how many hospitals use vibrations to treat respiratory problems, of course they use other kinds of devices to produce those vibrations.
The post has gotten a huge response, most of it positive, and Melons and Cuties have since commented on it, writing, "Thank you for everyone who has shown support! It’s good to see moms encouraged to use things readily available to help with wellness and not be shamed for it! We've been laughing for days."
So long as everything has been cleaned off, it seems like a solution that just might work. In the words of one commenter, "Just because something has a sexual purpose some of the time does not mean that's the only thing it's good for. This logic also applies to people. Having a sick child can be hellish. Within reason I say whatever works."
Photo: Getty Images